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Tzu Chi’s Global Media

Nearly four decades after its founding, Tzu Chi Taiwan began deepening its Mission of Humanistic Culture by expanding its global media services. On 1st January 2005, the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Centre started operating officially in Guan Du, Taipei. It is Master Cheng Yen’s deepest hope that the Humanitarian Centre can be the fertile soil for nurturing seeds of purity in people’s minds and harmony in society, as well as serve to inspire compassion and guide the wayward to the right path.

Tzu Chi’s media source newsworthy stories from around the world and adhere to their core principle of reporting news and real life stories that reveal the kindness and love within humanity. Through the integration of print and broadcasting services, Tzu Chi delivers a world class media experience, transmitting news and messages of joy and love to a global audience around the clock.


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Da Ai TV

Da Ai TV officially began broadcasting on New Year’s Day of 1998, with the goal of presenting the bright side of humanity by focusing heavily on the positive aspects and values of society. In response to the current trend and strong influence of the Internet and social media, Da Ai TV has also established its own YouTube channel, which features a wide array of quality, family-centric programmes, including news, documentaries, drama serials, etc. These programmes are based on meaningful topics, such as parent-child relationship, popular science, healthcare, environmental protection, humanistic culture, etc.

Da Ai TV runs against the grain of commercial broadcasters and their commercial practices, and serves as a global conduit of messages of love and kindness. Through the positive portrayals of inspiring individuals and sharing news and stories of human love and compassion, it aims to inspire goodness in humanity and encourage people to work for the betterment of the world. The TV station is the fruit of the labour of countless Tzu Chi volunteers and members, especially the Tzu Chi recycling volunteers in Taiwan. These volunteers conscientiously adopt environmentally-friendly lifestyles themselves and serve as strong advocates for environmental conservation, while actively work to collect recyclables in their communities. Their recycling efforts are a positive life force that is further transformed into funds that help sustain the running of Da Ai TV.

Visit Da Ai TV website  Watch Da Ai TV on Youtube


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Tzu Chi Monthly

Tzu Chi Monthly is a free publication that bears witness to the pulse and growth of Tzu Chi’s missions around the globe. It started as a newsletter which was first published on 20th July 1967. From its early formative years of faithfully recording the donations Tzu Chi received, it has progressed over the decades to serve as a faithful witness to the compassionate deeds of Tzu Chi volunteers and members worldwide, transmitting the essence of Tzu Chi’s spirit for the benefit of posterity.

The magazine looks at current affairs through a humane lens. It is adept at recording positive snippets of kindness and vitality inherent in the common folks living in the community, and celebrates the resilience of people who are able to shine and rise above their adversities. In addition, it also covers news and stories on the selfless contributions of countless environmental champions as well as Tzu Chi’s international disaster relief efforts.

Tzu Chi also publishes an English periodical, Tzu Chi Bimonthly, which contains translations of selected articles and stories from the Chinese Tzu Chi Monthly.

Read Tzu Chi Monthly online Read Tzu Chi Bimonthly online


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Rhythms Monthly

Rhythms Monthly is a monthly publication that focuses in-depth on global environmental, historical and geographical issues pertinent to our times. Since its inaugural issue, which was published on 1st August 1998, the magazine has won 38 Golden Tripod Awards and has even been a five-time award winner for the best humanities magazine in Taiwan. (The Golden Tripod Award is the highest honour in Taiwan’s publishing industry.)

At the magazine’s launch, the CEO of Tzu Chi Humanitarian Centre highlighted that it was not difficult to run a magazine, but it was especially hard to run a well-received magazine that stands unwavering to its core beliefs and ideals. Rhythms Monthly is one such magazine that stands firm on its ideals, and yet appeals to the popularity of the public. Hence, it has to take into account diverse views pertaining to intellect, logic, and emotions as well as spirituality, and these various aspects are then consolidated into a holistic publication. Its contents convey the wholesome qualities embodied by Tzu Chi, such as love, gratitude, care, respect, sincerity, and goodness.

Rhythms Monthly website


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Da Ai eRadio

In November 1985, “Tzu Chi World” made its debut as Tzu Chi’s first electronic media platform dedicated to propagating the truths, beauty and goodness of humanity. Since its inception, it has exercised stringent control over its production standards, delivering lively content that not only inspires listeners towards goodness, but also enjoys a popular following online. On 1st September 2005, a totally revamped Da Ai eRadio was launched. It provides 24/7 broadcast service, setting a new milestone for Tzu Chi’s global media.

Listen to Da Ai eRadio online